Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pray for the Think Conference, Oct 1-3

It has been many months ago that the news broke that Rick Warren was going to speak at the October Desiring God Conference. There has been so many blogs and discussion on this subject. Now the time is Here!
What a Gift from God.
Now it is time to pray, if you had not prayed for this conference before. Pray for Rick Warren. Pray that God will use men like R. Albert Mohler, Jr,R. C. Sproul, Thabiti Anyabwile, John Piper, Randy Alcorn,and Tullian Tchividjian. Pray that they will step out of there comfort zone. With their hearts exposed and the Cross of Christ cover their motivation. Ask Rick Warren to gather with them in prayer. And that if some can physically, show their brokenness and love for Rick Warren and bend their knees before him. Praying that if they have said words that were un-Christ like and confess they did not mean to hurt his family. They then would ask for God's forgiveness and also for Rick's. AND! At the same time of bowing of the knee! Plea! Encourage with words that come from the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. To Turn from His present Gospel. Abandon his past thinking and all those that have shaped that thinking. Express to Rick that now is the time to check his foundation. Every word I pray will be covered only with the love from Calvary and that Rick would see that.
This time of pray would not be covered by bloggers or reported to the public but would be private. The only way we would see the answer to this pray is the changed life and ministry of Rick Warren.
Please my brothers! Pray!

Friday, September 24, 2010

The following article is from Roger Oakland who has a web site called Understanding the Times. Roger has just started writing again after a very serious illness. We are so thankful that the Lord has rasied him up again to minister to the Body of Christ and to proclaim the Gospel to the Culture.

God’s Word Shines Light Upon End Times Apostasy

Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18).

Commentary by Roger Oakland

A message is burning in my heart. While I have not been active in ministry this past year because of what has been a “forced sabbatical,” I am thankful to report that God has raised me up from the brink of death. I thank God for His healing touch. Once more I am able to think properly, make observations, write, and speak out. Thank you Lord for your great grace!

Over the past few months, conversations with brothers and sisters in Christ from all over the world have convinced me that a watershed standard is beginning to occur. What do I mean by this? Many believers are being led by the Holy Spirit and are waking up from their indifference and are now being called into action. They recognize that we are in the last days. The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the freedom to proclaim that Gospel are under attack. All biblical standards are being eroded. These servants of the Lord see that this is a time to stand up for our Lord and Savior whatever the cost. The time has come to proclaim the truth of His Word. An expose of apostasy has begun! The prophet Isaiah spoke it well when he stated: “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59:19).

Of course, such a move of God is not new in Christian history. Recall the Reformation! This was a time when men and women were raised up to counter the wave of darkness that had engulfed the world because true Christianity had been perverted.

The Lord has never been without His true witnesses. Countless numbers have been persecuted for standing with Jesus Christ and His Word in the past. While our generation seems to have forgotten history, the God of history proclaims that history repeats itself. What has happened before, can and will happen again.[1]

The present apostasy that is underway will indeed be of great magnitude but will not seduce the entire world—there will be a remnant that will stand up and speak out.

The Bible Warns

The most recent attack against true Christianity and the Word of God has not happened by chance. The Scriptures are abundant with warnings. Many will be deceived by many.[2] Lying signs and wonders will lead multitudes astray.[3] Doctrines of demons will be embraced in the name of Jesus.[4] Leaders who profess new enlightenment and a great awakening are deceived and deceiving others.[5] As the Bible states, if it were possible, even the very elect will be deceived.[6]

Knowing that Jesus warned of this deception and strong delusion in advance [7] should be enough to alert any person who claims to be a Christian. However, this is not always so. Deception comes in various packages and is appealing to the flesh. Pride comes before destruction and a fall.[8] Deception is very effective when “the lie”[9] is hidden in the truth. New Age and mystical methods authored by Satan, the father of lies, can blind the minds of even the believing.[10] Satan is the great deceiver. [11] Even Christians who only know Jesus Christ are vulnerable if they follow the teachings of men rather than the revelation of God through Scripture.[12] Paul said we are to have nothing to do with worldly fables but should know the Word so we will have sound doctrine.[13]

How Did We Get Where We Are?

It is not easy to pinpoint exactly when the latest “falling away” began. After all, apostasy actually started when the fall of man in the Garden of Eden took place as recorded in Genesis chapter three. However, we can examine trends presently sweeping the world, which seem to have come out of nowhere and at such a rapid pace. The “wiles of the devil”[14] are numerous. Seducing Christians to get their eyes off Jesus Christ and His Word and on to a man and his methods or movements is often the first step.

Certainly, the church growth movement in the last few decades provided the slippery slope of apostasy that we see in the world today. From a worldly perspective, what pastor wouldn’t want a big church? Small churches are considered weak and without attraction. However, a big building requires a large staff and a big budget. A big budget requires big offerings. When controversial topics are presented from the pulpit, sometimes big donors get offended. God’s Word can often be offensive to those who are pretending to be Christians.

Then there are those who believe that Christianity must change in order to be effective and appealing for the “postmodern” generation. In other words, we are supposed to “rethink” what Christianity should be today and toss out the Bible as our standard.

Postmodernism was the spawning grounds for church growth gurus who felt that the Bible was too narrow and too limiting for our generation. Emerging/New Spirituality postmodernists promoted the idea that a Christianity based on the Bible was too old-fashioned and needed to be updated to be more tolerant and more inclusive. Further, in order to advance Christianity, doctrinal walls erected in the past needed to be broken down. Some promoted the idea that we can find truth in all the world religions. Why not look for a way to find some common ground? Turning to mystical prayer practices as a union point, did they realize they were emulating New Age mystics of the past?

Such postmodern-speak created a spiritual vacuum. A vacuum is always filled with something. When you remove biblical standards from Christianity, there are no standards. Anything and everything comes in – humanism, mysticism, pragmatism, sensualism and even Marxism along with its partner evolutionism. Further, extra-biblical teachings and experiences promoted by huge religious organizations such as the Roman Catholic Church are appealing when you seek after experience rather than truth.

Soon a precarious yet inviting road that leads to a one-world religion is present. The Bible warns us that there will be a counterfeit spirituality that prepares the way for the counterfeit Christ.[15]

God is going to bring judgment to the house of the Lord; Scripture clearly pronounces that (read I Peter 4:17). When apostate churches lose their buildings, programs, and financial backing, what will they have left? They abandoned the Word of God long ago—they will have nothing! When it all comes down it will not be a pretty picture.

The Condition of the So-Called Church Today

It seems increasingly apparent that few Christians have the discernment to see what is happening. Some may be aware that changes are taking place in their churches, but they are not able to grasp the whole picture. Others, when they let their pastors know they are concerned, are often told to look for another church even though they have been faithful attendees for years.

Fellowships and Bible schools that once taught the Bible no longer teach the Word of God. They have become overtaken by a “new reformation” mentality and are no longer Spirit led. They have latched onto the latest church growth gimmicks to get people to come to their churches and schools. They think they are “fundamentally transforming” Christianity.

Many pastors are now consumed with spending their time on Internet blogs or discussion groups dissecting the latest book on how to be more successful in reaching the postmodern generation. Rather than reading and gaining insight from the Bible, they tickle each other’s ears, claiming to be the authority on all subjects. If a pastor from a small church speaks out by expressing his dismay and calls his colleagues back to the Bible, he is ridiculed and scoffed at and considered a spiritual midget.

No amount of funding for entertainment is out of limits. Doctrine is ignored for the sake of unity in order to propagate the “new evangelism.” Hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent for week-end “gigs” where popular bands are funded to fly half-way around the world to participate.

The pattern is quite clear throughout history. The serpent that deceived Eve by saying “hath God really said?” is still influencing the church today in the same way. If you can subtly convince Christian leaders to substitute God’s Word with a purpose-driven, seeker-friendly, new spirituality for building kingdoms and empires in the name of Christ, the flesh feels triumphant. Or if you add a few Babylonian mystical practices that provide touchy-feely sensual experiences in the name of Christ, pseudo “converts” might even believe they actually know Jesus Christ. In actuality, huge numbers of people going to church have never even heard the Gospel! Yet, they sit week after week with a false sense of security that all is well.

No denomination or fellowship of churches is immune to this delusion. Even those who once stood on the simple Word of God, warning of deception and teaching the Bible verse by verse, have fallen in the trap. The pressure is too great not to go with the flow. Even when well-respected pastors and leaders see the signs of apostasy happening in their own circles and proclaim a warning, most refuse to listen. They go on their merry way for the sake of popularity and success.

Churches that started out as modest fellowships often end up as corporations with the strategy of growing bigger and bigger. Rather than train up Bible teachers and pastors to serve the people, they expand their ministry base by broadcasting themselves on large screens to advance their own franchise. Many leave the churches they attended to sit in front of a monitor because they feel more comfortable. A relationship between the pastor and the flock is non-existent.

Biblical creation is often edited out of the Bible. They say that Moses was influenced by a Babylonian myth and that science has proven that Genesis is not trustworthy, yet they have nothing to substantiate their views. Bible prophecy is never discussed because talking about the future is too controversial.

In these consumer-oriented churches, talk about the Lord’s return or end time events, including the biblically prophetic view of the significance of the nation of Israel, is becoming near non-existent. One pastor said that when Jesus was asked by His disciples what signs would indicate His second coming he said Jesus said “it is none of your business.” This is heretical and blasphemous.

These pastors and evangelists who are looking for large crowds embrace ecumenism wholeheartedly. This usually requires an agreement and sometimes even a covenant to “evangelize together.” Some of the participants who are evangelizing together have already agreed to evangelize with Rome. Those who protest are considered old-fashioned cronies that need to have an “adjustment.” They are also called “haters” from the pulpit.

In some towns and cities, not a single church can be found that teaches the Bible anymore. Many believers are starving for the preaching of God’s Word and for the fellowship of the brethren. They search the Internet to find ministries that will stand up for the truth.

What is Going On?

So how did this apostasy happen? Not by evolution! Not by chance! No, it happened by design. Human pawns were inspired by Satan and his demons to do his bidding.

If you will read the Bible you will find that Satan hates the Bible. It is God’s Word you see. Does Satan run around in the open so he can be seen? I don’t think so. He spreads doctrines of demons using proud human beings who masquerade as Christians in many cases.

First is the plan to attack the Word. There always has been a battle for the Word ever since God’s Word was first spoken. Do you remember what Eve did and why? Disobeying God and His Word leads to every evil thing. It is ugly, you will soon see.

Check out history. There has been a battle for the Bible for a long time. In fact, people have died defending the truth in the past. Those who persecuted believers claimed they were “god’s” helpers. Could it happen again? Yes!

One more thing. There is an important biblical truth that will help you understand Bible prophecy. It is very simple. There is a queen, and there is a king. Maybe I will write about this sometime in the future.

Further, the queen and the king have supporters working in the world and the church today to establish Satan’s plan for the last days. I can tell you from experience, if you preach the Bible and tell about the signs of the End Times, you will come under big attack.

However, even people who talk about the signs of the times can be wolves in sheep’s clothing. They may even misuse God’s Word to promote their own agendas. They want the queen to set up a One World Religion for the king who is working on a New World Order to control the people. It gets quite complicated, but it is written in the Bible.

Finally, another biblical truth that will help you understand. These imposters have crept in under the spiritual radar. They are board members, pastors, assistant pastors, teachers, evangelists, authors, conference speakers, radio hosts, and miracle workers, etc…. When they are revealed for what they are, you will be surprised.

Jude Warned the Church

Jude was frustrated when he wrote a letter to the church commenting on the spiritual climate of his day. He tried to wake up the body of Christ but few would listen. Certain men had crept in and were defiling the Gospel.[16] Apparently, their agenda was hidden when they first came on the scene. Jude called them out.

It looks to me like certain men have crept into the church today. But if someone sounds the alarm, that person is considered to be “against everything.” I am sure the deceivers in Jude’s day were not happy with Jude’s letter. Nevertheless, Jude wrote what the Holy Spirit inspired him to write. There is a cost for speaking the truth. What is better: pleasing man or pleasing God? Scripture tells us clearly, we cannot serve both at the same time.


According to Scripture, there is a time when the Holy Spirit departs. If Christian leaders will not listen to God and act, God will find other leaders who will. God is patient and merciful, thus this departing of the Spirit’s guidance does not happen overnight.

Biblical history reveals that God has never been restricted from fulfilling His plan when humans let him down. He simply raises up others who will be obedient and humble and have a passion to proclaim the truth in love. God is not impressed with credentials given out by human organizations. He uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.

When the Spirit of God departs, it can get quite dark. I believe this is what is about to happen. What looked like “Protestant” Christianity is no longer a reality. Few pastors actually protest anything. They are too busy building the kingdom without the King. Further, there is a clear agenda to discredit the infallible Word of God and make a man’s word infallible. When the “Protestant” “evangelical” church appears to completely fall apart, then it will look like the “only true church” will have triumphed. Lying signs and wonders will attract those who have no discernment. If you don’t believe me, read the Bible. It is all there.

Light Into Darkness

My prayer is that the church of Jesus Christ will take the words of Jesus to heart. We should shine the light of God’s Word on the spiritual deception of these days. We are so close to the return for his bride. We should glorify Him and His Word.

The forces of darkness will not be eradicated during this time of End Times apostasy, but the light of the Word can make a tremendous difference. In the midst of the deception that is taking place in the world and the church, I believe a watershed-type standard is being set. One definition for the term watershed states “A ridge of high land dividing two areas that are drained by different river systems. Also called water parting.”

From a spiritual standpoint, this is what I believe is beginning to happen. Throughout the world, the Lord is opening the eyes of believers, men and women, young and old, to the times and the seasons in which we are living by His Holy Spirit.

Some pastors and ministry leaders are saying that enough is enough. They have committed themselves to teach the Word and warn about deception. If it means their churches will be reduced in size, they accept that. These leaders will stand up against the pied pipers of the New Spirituality, Babylonian mysticism, ecumenism and the many false gospels that are being promoted. They do not want to be driven by the plans of man, but instead be led by the Holy Spirit. In some cases, entire “movements” will be pruned drastically, but that will be good.

We are living at a time similar to what Elijah experienced. There will be victories that occur in the midst of great opposition. But God is on the side of the righteous.

If you are one of the people who can understand the times, you will find yourself feeling very alone in the battle. Be encouraged. Look up, for indeed you are not alone. God has raised up those who have not bowed their knee to Baal. God has set a standard for truth, and during this Last Days apostasy, He will be faithful to draw us together that we may fight the good fight and work while there is yet day.

It will be just like when Nehemiah was the foreman of a large crew that rebuilt the wall in Jerusalem stone by stone, section by section. There were no plans to rebuild the city of Jerusalem. Nor were there plans to restore the whole nation of Israel. Like-minded men and women from every walk of life worked together to show their solidarity and devotion to God. They rebuilt the wall one stone at a time, one section at a time. They had a sword in one hand and a rock in the other while they were working. This is exactly how it is going to be for believers in the future.

Just as God was faithful to His people in Bible days, He will be faithful to His people today. It is possible for biblical Christianity and the true Gospel to be proclaimed in these days. I believe this watershed occurrence, that is a dividing of two different systems, is beginning to happen. Which side of the divide will you be standing on? Will you stand with the Lord in His Word and in truth?

Roger Oakland,
Understand The Times

Monday, September 20, 2010

The The New Age connection with The Emergent Movement

This video of johanna michaelson being interviewed, stating that the emergent church promotes new age practices. Their has been a few post on other blogs that state that Johanna does not know what she is talking about. She wrote two books to expose the new age coming into our culture. The Beautiful Side of Evil and Like Lambs to the Slaughter.

All I am asking for those bloggers to just check out the evidence. Leave your presuppositions while your looking at the evidence. Go back to the scriptures and measure the teachings of the emergent leaders with the Word of God. Here are some sites to back up her claims.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Do you Know what your children are being taught?

All of my children went to a public school. And I wonder during that time if I would have been as discerning as this mother was to be involved and bring a camera. I regret at this time as I "went along for the ride". Not standing up for the Truth (Which is a Person) and accepting what the school says as truth. I remember going to the local Junior High School to see my daughter play Basketball. I went down the hallways and every available space of wall had pictures of the Egyptian gods and the culture of the Egyptians.
It is the same kingdom that had it's "gods" dismantled and destroyed by the God of All Creation. The kids had to study these gods, paint them and see them day in and day out. All I did was walk out and shake my head and do nothing. Please! If you have children in the public school system. Pray for them. Teach them. And Be aware of what they are taught. Pray for wisdom and be prepared before you face their teachers question the System.
Be discerning.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

How To Share the Gospel to a Muslim

I understanding what my Christian brothers were doing through all of the events in Dearborn, Michigan. But next time can I suggest to share the Gospel? Ray Comfort has a book called Religion in a Nutshell. This is what he states how to share the Gospel to a Muslim.

From the excellent sermon, "True and False Conversions".

"To make an important point, I am going to teach you how to witness Biblically to four groups of people: a Muslim, a Roman Catholic, a Homosexual, and an Intellectual. So listen very carefully; this is a wonderful principal.

Okay, I'm sitting in a plane. There's a gentleman sitting next to me. I say, "Hey, how 'ya doing?"

He says, "I'm fine."

I say, "Where you from?"

He says, "India."

I say, "Oh. Did you get one of these? It's a gospel tract."

He says, "I'm a Muslim."

I say, "Oh yeah, would you consider yourself to be a good person?"

He says, "Oh yes, a very good person."

I said, "Well, can I ask you a few questions to see if that's true?"

He says, "Yeah. Go ahead."

I said, "Have you ever told a lie?"

He says, "Yes sir."

I said, "What does that make you?"

He says, "a liar."

I said, "Have you ever stolen something?"

He says, "Yes sir."

I said, "What does that make you?"

He says, "a thief."

And I say, "Jesus said whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery already with her in his heart. Have you ever done that?"

He says, "Yes sir, plenty of times."

I said, "Well, what's your name?"

He says "Orem."

I said, "Well, by your own admission, Orem, you're a lying, thieving, adulterer at heart and you've got to face God on Judgment Day."

And I shut him up under the law. I make him tremble before the God of creation. I let his conscience accuse him. I make room for the Holy Spirit to convict him of sin, which is transgression of the Law, righteousness, which is of the Law, and judgment, which is by the Law.

I tell him he's an enemy of God in his mind through wicked works, that the wrath of God abides upon him, that he is by nature a child of wrath. I leave him with no hope; no means of escape, hanging by a spider's web over the pit of hell, and then I say, "Oh, there is one name under heaven whereby you may be saved, and that is Jesus Christ. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He came to this earth, God in human form, perfect, sinless man who gave His life as a sacrifice for the sin of the world. And all your sin was laid upon the Savior. And neither is their salvation in any other. There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved."

Now if you don't like that principle, if you don't like that method, for want of a better word, you can find a website with 10,000 pages of questions and answers when speaking to Moslems. That's serious.

But personally I don't believe that you have to bury your head in the Koran to witness to a Moslem. You just have to bury your head in this. This tells us how to do it: God's Word."

Ray Comfort also has some good information in the Evidence Bible.

How to Witness to Muslims

In Acts 17:22–31 the apostle Paul built on areas of "common ground" as he prepared his listeners for the good news of the gospel. Even though he was addressing Gentiles whose beliefs were erroneous, he didn’t rebuke them for having a doctrine of devils— "The things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God" (1 Corinthians 10:20). Neither did he present the great truth that Jesus of Nazareth was Almighty God manifest in human form. This may have initially offended his hearers and closed the door to the particular knowledge he wanted to convey. Instead, he built on what they already knew. He first established that there is a Creator who made all things. He then exposed their sin of transgression of the First and Second of the Ten Commandments. Then he preached future punishment for sin.

There are three main areas of common ground upon which Christians may stand with Muslims. First, that there is one God—the Creator of all things. The second area is the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was a prophet of God. The Bible makes this clear: "And He shall send Jesus Christ,…For Moses truly said to the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up to you of your brethren, like to me; him shall you hear in all things whatsoever he shall say to you" (Acts 3:20–22). The Qur’an (Koran) says: "Behold! The angel said ‘O Mary! Allah giveth you Glad Tidings of a word from Him. His name will be (Christ Jesus) the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and the hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah’" (Surah 3:45). In Surah 19:19, the angel said to Mary, "I am only a messenger of thy Lord to announce to you a gift of a holy son." Surah 3:55 says, "Allah said: ‘O Jesus! I will take you and raise you to Myself." It is because of these and other references to Jesus in the Qur’an that a Muslim will not object when you establish that Jesus was a prophet from God.

This brings us to the third area of common ground. Muslims also respect Moses as a prophet of God. Therefore, there should be little contention when Christians speak of God (as Creator), Jesus the prophet, and the Law of the prophet Moses. Most Muslims do have some knowledge of their sinfulness, but few see sin in its true light. It is therefore essential to take them through the spiritual nature of the Ten Commandments. While it is true that the Law of Moses begins with, "I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods before Me," it may be unwise to tell a Muslim, at that point, that Allah is a false god. Such talk may close the door before you are able to speak to his conscience. It is wise rather to present the Law in a similar order in which Jesus gave it in Luke 18:20. He addressed the man’s sins of the flesh. He spoke directly to sins that have to do with his fellow man.

Therefore, ask your hearer if he has ever told a lie. When (if) he admits that he has, ask him what that makes him. Don’t call him a liar. Instead, gently press him to tell you what someone is called who has lied. Try to get him to say that he is a "liar." Then ask him if he has ever stolen something, even if it’s small. If he has, ask what that makes him (a thief). Then quote from the Prophet Jesus: "Whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart" (Matthew 5:27). Ask if he has ever looked at a woman with lust. If he is reasonable, he will admit that he has sinned in that area. Then gently tell him that, by his own admission, he is a "lying, thieving adulterer-at-heart." Say, "If God judges you by the Law of Moses on Judgment Day, will you be innocent or guilty?"

At this point, he will more than likely say that he will be innocent, because he confesses his sins to God. However, the Qur’an says: "Every soul that has sinned, if it possessed all that is on earth, would fain give it in ransom" (Surah 10:54). In other words, if he possessed the whole world and offered it to God as a sacrifice for his sins, it wouldn’t be enough to provide atonement for his sins. Imagine that a criminal is facing a 50,000 fine. He is penniless, so he sincerely tells the judge that he is sorry for a crime and vows never to do it again. The judge won’t let him go on the basis of his sorrow, or his vow never to commit the crime again. Of course, he should be sorry for what he has done, and of course, he shouldn’t break the law again. The judge will, however, let him go if someone else pays the fine for him.

Now tell him that Moses gave instructions to Israel to shed the blood of a spotless lamb to provide a temporary atonement for their sin; and that Jesus was the Lamb that God provided to make atonement for the sins of the world. Through faith in Jesus, he can have atonement with God. All his sin can be washed away—once and for all. God can grant him the gift of everlasting life through faith in Jesus Christ on the basis of His death and resurrection.

The uniqueness of Jesus of Nazareth was that He claimed He had power on earth to forgive sins (Matthew 9:2–6). No other prophet of any of the great religions made this claim. Only Jesus can provide peace with God. This is why He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me" (John 14:6).

God commands sinners to repent and trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior, or they will perish. To try to justify himself, your listener may say something like, "The Bible has changed. It has been altered. There are many different versions, but the Koran has never changed." Explain to him that there are many different versions, printed in different languages and in modern English, to help people understand the Bible, but the content of the Scriptures remains the same. The Dead Sea Scrolls prove that God has preserved the Scriptures.

Tell him that the 100% accurate prophecies of Matthew 24, Luke 21, and 2 Timothy 3 prove that this is the Book of the Creator. Your task is to present the truth of the gospel. It is God who makes it come alive (1 Corinthians 3:6,7). It is God who brings conviction of sin (John 16:7,8). It is God who reveals who Jesus is (Matthew 16:16,17). All God requires is your faithful presentation of the truth (Matthew 25:21)."

These resources are available at:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Whole Story of Arab Fest 2009-2010

Since July I have attempted to listen to everything that was available on Islam and Christianity on mp3. To former Muslims, to the debater and Apologist James White. From interviews, to lectures and sermons. I wanted to get an understanding of Islam and when the time comes. That I would be prepared to reach Muslims with the Gospel with this understanding of their History and background.
One area that I found frustrating is their view of questioning their Beliefs. To ask them to look at their Qur'an and ask serious questions about the inconsistencies in their "Holy Book" It is very difficult! Because of what the Qur'an states and their "holy books":

"The Holy Prophet himself forbade people to ask questions do not try to probe into such things." (The Meaning of the Qur'an, Maududi, vol. III, pgs. 76-77)

From the Bukhari hadith, we can see that Mohammad did not like to be questioned.

Volume 1, Book 3, Number 92:

Narrated Abu Musa:

The Prophet was asked about things which he did not like, but when the questioners insisted, the Prophet got angry. He then said to the people, “Ask me anything you like.” A man asked, “Who is my father?” The Prophet replied, “Your father is Hudhafa.” Then another man got up and said, “Who is my father, O Allah’s Apostle ?” He replied, “Your father is Salim, Maula (the freed slave) of Shaiba.” So when ‘Umar saw that (the anger) on the face of the Prophet he said, “O Allah’s Apostle! We repent to Allah (Our offending you).”

If Muslims do ask too many questions, the Koran states that they have lost their faith.

"O ye who believe! Ask not questions about things which if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith." (Surah 5:101-102).

To lose one’s faith is to apostate from Islam, and under Islamic Law this can be a death sentence. The “Reliance of the Traveller, A Classic Manual of Islamic Scared Law”, teaches us that even denying a Koran verse is to apostate from Islam, and apostates should be killed.

From Bukhari volume 2, we see the same pattern.

Volume 2, Book 24, Number 555:
Narrated Ash-sha’bi:

The clerk of Al-Mughira bin Shu’ba narrated, “Muawiya wrote to Al-Mughira bin Shu’ba: Write to me something which you have heard from the Prophet (p.b.u.h) .” So Al-Mughira wrote: I heard the Prophet saying, “Allah has hated for you three things:

1. Vain talks, (useless talk) that you talk too much or about others.

2. Wasting of wealth (by extravagance)

3. And asking too many questions (in disputed religious matters) or asking others for something (except in great need). (See Hadith No. 591, Vol. Ill)

Here is volume 3 verse 591.

From the Bukhari hadith 3:591

Narrated Al-Mughira bin Shu’ba:

The Prophet said, “Allah has forbidden for you, (1) to be undutiful to your mothers, (2) to bury your daughters alive, (3) to not to pay the rights of the others (e.g. charity, etc.) and (4) to beg of men (begging). And Allah has hated for you (1) vain, useless talk, or that you talk too much about others, (2) to ask too many questions, (in disputed religious matters) and (3) to waste the wealth (by extravagance).

This information will give you a better understanding of what happen in Dearborn Michigan in 2009 and again in 2010.
A good web site to visit is

The first video is background on Dearborn, Michigan and the next two is describing what happen at the Muslim Fair in 2009. And the following video are the events of 2010 at the same Fair.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Are you a Good Person

I thought I would try and update the site. What better way to start with the Gospel!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Word of God as a Means of Grace. Part 3

Sorry for the delay in finishing this video series . Here is the last videos showing how the Bible must be our foundation in our understand of God.