Thursday, October 28, 2010

Does the Group Add More to the Bible?

The last post was how to Define what a Cult is.

These videos in this post focus on the First Mark of a Cult.

Do they add something to the original sixty-six books of the Bible.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

What is a Cult

This will be a five part series on what defines a cult. I know this word gets thrown out to any we disagree with. But I hope after view these videos. You will get a clear idea on what a cult is.
I am including information from Ron Rhodes book: Handbook on Cults & New Religions
Please consider this information on what makes a cult. When people come to your home or talk to you at work. You need to have a basic understanding on what separates their beliefs from Biblical Christianity.

From page 8-13 from Handbook on Cults & New Religions by Ron Rhodes, Harvest House.

If this definition is correct, then we must also clarify what the essential doctrines of Christianity are. Many churches and claiming to be Christian have differences of opinion over such issues as church government, the proper mode of baptism, and when the rapture of the church is going to happen. These issues do not define cults because these are considered peripheral doctrines (that is, they are minor doctrines over which people can freely disagree). Other doctrines of the Christian faith are so essential that if you deny one or more of them, you are no longer truly Christian. Five doctrines are especially important

I. Scripture. The Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God.

2. God. The one true God is infinite and eternal, revealed in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

3. Jesus. Jesus is eternal God as the second person of the
Trinity. In the incarnation, He took on a human nature,
being born of a virgin. He died for humankind's sins and
three days later physically rose from the dead.

4.Humanity. God created human beings in His image, and
they are morally accountable to him. They forever remain
creatures who are morally accountable to the Creator.

5.Sin and Salvation. Every human being is born into the
world in a state of dire sin and is estranged from God.
People can do nothing to merit salvation before God.
Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone, based solely
on the atonement wrought by Christ.
When we talk about cults of Christianity, we are referring to groups that derive from the parent religion of Christianity but deny (explicitly or implicitly) one or more of the above essential doctrines of Christianity.

Doctrinal Characteristics of Cults

Among cults, one will frequently find one or more distinguishing characteristics, such as an emphasis on new revelation from God, a denial of the sole authority of the Bible, a distorted view of God and Jesus, and/or a denial of salvation by grace through faith. Not every cult manifests the characteristics below, but these characteristics are quite common. And those that do possess these characteristics don't do so to the same degree.
New Revelation. Many cult leaders claim to receive new revelations. Mormon presidents claim to receive revelations from God. New Agers claim to receive revelations from the Ascended Masters.

UFO cult leaders claim to receive revelations from space brothers. Spiritists claim to receive revelations from the great beyond. Typically in cults, in a conflict between the Bible (old revelation) and the new revelation, the new revelation supersedes the Bible.

Denial of the Sole Authority of the Bible.

Many cults deny the sole authority of the Bible. Christian Scientists, for example, elevate Mary Baker Eddy's book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, to supreme authority. Unification Church members elevate Reverend Moon's Divine Principle to supreme authority. New Agers often exalt The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ. Mormons place The Book of Mormon as the top authority.

A Distorted View of God.

Many cults espouse a distorted view of God. The Jehovah's Witnesses deny the Trinity. New Agers believe that all in the universe is God (pantheism). Mormons believe human beings can become gods, and therefore many gods exist in the universe (polytheism). Witches and Wiccans believe in a Mother Goddess (paganism). Oneness Pentecostals believe Jesus is the one God and that he himself is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (modalism).

A Distorted View of Jesus Christ.

Cults typically espouse a distorted view of Jesus Christ. Jehovah's Witnesses say Jesus was created as the archangel Michael and was a "lesser god" than God the Father. Mormons believe Jesus was the first spirit child of the heavenly Father and one of his unnamed wives. Spiritists say the human Jesus became the Christ through reincarnation. Hindu cults argue that Jesus was just an avatar or perhaps a guru. Some New Agers believe the human Jesus attained Christhood by learning from Indian gurus as a child in India. UFO cults suggest that Jesus was a hybrid being—half human and half alien (thus accounting for his miracles). Members of the Baha'i Faith argue that Jesus was just one of many manifestations of God.

Cults also have a distorted view of Jesus' work at the cross.

Jehovah's Witnesses say Jesus died on a stake as a mere man (not the God-man), and he died for the sins of Adam. Mormons say Jesus' death on the cross provided resurrection for all people but not full redemption. Some New Agers say Jesus died to balance world karma. Reverend Moon, of the Unification Church, believes Jesus did not complete the work of redemption, and therefore the Lord of the Second Advent (presumably Moon) must complete the job.

A Distorted View of the Holy Spirit.

Cults typically espouse a distorted view of the Holy Spirit. The Jehovah's Witnesses believe the Holy Spirit is not a person but simply the force or power of God. The Way International also interprets the Holy Spirit as the force of God. The Children of God believe the Holy Spirit is the feminine aspect of God and is often depicted as a sensuous woman. Some New Agers equate the Holy Spirit with the Chi force. Oneness Pentecostals argue that the Holy Spirit is simply one of the modes of manifestation of Jesus.

A Distorted View of Humankind.

Many cults espouse a distorted view of humankind. New Agers, for example, believe human beings are a part of God. Mind Science enthusiasts believe the same. Mormons believe that through a long process of eternal progression, human beings may become exalted to godhood.

Denial of Salvation by Grace.

Cults typically deny salvation by grace, thus distorting the purity of the gospel. The Mormons, for example, emphasize the necessity of becoming increasingly perfect in this life. The Jehovah's Witnesses emphasize the importance of distributing Watch tower literature door-to-door as a part of "working out" their salvation. Oneness Pentecostals say that to be saved, one must have faith in Christ, repent of all sins, be baptized in water in the name of Jesus only, be baptized in the Holy Spirit as evidenced by speaking in tongues, and obey the holiness code throughout life. Hindu cults teach that one must become

increasingly perfect in each successive lifetime through reincarnation.
Redefinitions of Biblical Terms. Cults often use words from the Bible—words like God, Jesus, sin, salvation, the cross, resurrection, and ascension—but redefine them to mean something entirely different from what historic Christianity teaches. This is known as the "terminology block." We must not forget that 2 Corinthians 11:4 warns of a different Jesus, a different spirit, and a different gospel (see also 2 Peter 2:1-3; Galatians 1:6-9; Acts 20:28-31; Matthew 24:24).

Sociological Characteristics of Cults

Cults are best defined theologically, but sociology helps us to understand the human dynamics of cultic groups. Sociological characteristics of cults can include such things as authoritarianism, exclusivism, isolationism, the fear of disfellowshipping, and threats of satanic attack. As with the doctrinal characteristics, not every cult manifests the following characteristics. And those that do possess them may do so to greater or lesser degrees.


Authoritarianism usually involves an authority figure—often an alleged prophet—whose word is considered ultimate and final. The late David Koresh of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, is a tragic example. Members of this group followed Koresh to their death. Often such authoritarianism involves legalistic submission to the rules and regulations of the group that the leader established.


Cults often believe that they alone possess the truth of God. The Mormons have a long history of teaching that they are the exclusive community of the saved on earth. The Jehovah's Witnesses believe they are the exclusive community of Jehovah on earth.


The more extreme cults sometimes create fortified boundaries. They sometimes require members to renounce and break off past associations with parents and siblings. The cult then functions as a surrogate family for those who have lost their biological families.

Fear of Disfellowshipping.

Some cults disfellowship any member who questions or resists the teachings or instructions of the group. For example, if a Jehovah's Witness questions or resists the teachings of the Watchtower Society, he or she can be disfellowshipped and then shunned by family members and friends. The same is true in the Mormon church. Fear of disfellowshipping serves to keep cult members from causing any trouble in the cult.
Threats of Satanic Attack. Some cults warn new followers that friends and relatives may be used by Satan to try to dissuade them from remaining with the group. When a friend or relative actually does try to dissuade a new member in this way, the group appears to be in possession of God's truth. This, in turn, encourages the new convert to be even more loyal to the group.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Let's Get Back to The Gospel

I try to post a wake up call about "The Gospel" as often as I can. We can warn the church of false truths and crumbling foundations of unbiblical doctrines. But we need to step back and sure our measurements with the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. First is a posting from Truth for Life Blog by Alistair Begg: http://http//
Right is two videos from Wretched T.V.http://
I encourage to let the Gospel be first place and the filter of all your thinking.

What is the Gospel? How do you become a Christian?

There is Something to Admit

First of all we have to admit that we are all sinners. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

Each of us has failed miserably when it comes to keeping His commandments. We haven't honored our parents as we should, we have tolerated untruthfulness, we have been envious of our neighbors and while we may not have actually committed murder, we have tolerated murderous thoughts. Our natural tendency is not to acknowledge our sin. We are prone to blame our circumstances or our genes. We are keen to gain comfort in the assurance that we are not as bad as some people.

So what brings us to the place where we know that we must admit we are sinners? This is something God does. Jesus explained to His disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit, "When He comes, He will convince the world of the meaning of sin, of true goodness and of judgment." John 16:8

There is Something to Believe

Jesus is the only Savior from the sin to which we have just admitted. We may have begun our journey fairly convinced Jesus was a "good man," but as we considered the evidence we were forced in a different direction. We certainly did not set out predisposed to believe. So we find ourselves agreeing with this statement: "Faith is forced consent. That is to say, when evidence is judged by the mind to be sufficient, the state of mind we call 'faith' is the inevitable effect….whenever the reasons are judged sufficient, faith or belief is induced." (John Murray "Collected Writings II" p237)

So we come to believe that God has made provision for our sin in the person of His Son. "We see real love, not in the fact that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to make personal atonement for our sins." 1 John 4:10 JBP.

There is Something to Consider

We need to come to terms with the cost of following Christ. He said,"If anyone wants to follow in my footsteps, he must give up all right to himself, carry his cross every day and keep close behind me. For the man who wants to save his life will lose it, but the man who loses his life for my sake will save it." Luke 9:23,4.

Now be careful not to misunderstand this. The only thing we 'contribute' to our salvation is the sin from which we need to be saved. One way to learn the important distinction is to remember that while entrance to the Christian life is free, the annual subscription is everything we have!

There is a cost involved in saying no to sin.

Jesus said, "The time has come, the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!… Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

Notice that His first call is to 'repentance' This means to turn from sin to God. There are certain characteristics which Sinclair Ferguson points out are commonly present in repentance.

A sense of shame, such as when David cries to the Lord after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba. "For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight…" Psalm 51:3,4.
This leads to humbling. Instead of jumping to our defense or trying to blame our actions on people or circumstances, we acknowledge our accountability.
There is an accompanying sense of sorrow and regret. If we had been in the corner of the bedroom of the prodigal son on his first night at home, I think we would have heard the sobs and seen the tears and watched in wonder as he kneeled by his bed and mourned the wasted years and the squandered privileges. The memory of sin is distasteful to the truly penitent.
There is also a recognition of God's pardon. It is the kindness of God which leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4). While we are emphasizing the need for repentance at the gateway of faith, this is something which continues through our entire life.
There is a cost involved in saying no to self.

What we mean by this is simply that Christ comes first, before everything and everyone else. This has a peculiarly challenging ring in the midst of a culture that has gone to great lengths to bolster self-esteem and make much of the individual. It means that my time and my talents and my relationships and my career will all be brought under His jurisdiction.

There is a cost involved in saying no to secrecy.

When a man or woman discovers the freedom Jesus brings, they will be ready and willing to let others know. The Bible confirms this in a number of places. "If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9

While coming to trust in Christ is undoubtedly a personal matter, it is not private.

There is Something to Do

Genuine Christian faith is more than saying,"I believe Jesus is who He claimed to be." After all even demons are orthodox when it comes to this, but clearly they are not Christians! (James 2:19)

Faith means accepting the facts can be trusted, and acting upon what you believe to be true.

Alister McGrath uses an analogy which you may find helpful. Imagine I am suffering from blood poisoning and there is a bottle of penicillin sitting on my bedside table. What are my options?

I may accept that this bottle of penicillin exists.
I may trust that it is capable of curing my illness, but I shall never cure my blood poisoning, unless -
I act upon that trust and take the penicillin. Acceptance and trust prepare the way for the final component of faith - entering into the promise, and receiving what it offers.
Mere mental assent to these facts without any corresponding action no more brings us to personal faith than memorizing a menu allows us to enjoy a meal. True faith means moving beyond the awareness of the existence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to a living personal relationship with Him.

If God has shown you your need and given you this desire, then you must forsake everything and trust Christ NOW! There's a time coming when it will be too late.

So here is the most crucial question you will ever face: "Do you take this Savior?"

If your answer is "yes," then let me encourage you to deal with the matter immediately. You may want to find a quiet place to seal your commitment. God is not so concerned with your ability to articulate your thoughts as He is aware of the sincerity of the response of your heart. A simple prayer such as this may be of help to you in marking the moment. Depending on the kind of person you are, you may want to write this in your journal or the fly leaf of your Bible. This is a unique occasion.

"Lord Jesus Christ, I confess that I am a guilty, lost and helpless sinner. I want you to save me, to take your rightful place as Lord of my life. I want to turn from my sin and trust only in your atoning sacrifice. I give my life to you. Take charge of it all and help me by the power of the Holy Spirit to follow after you."

It is important for us to recognize the mystery which surrounds this. Jesus referred to this when he was talking with Nicodemus about being born again. He said, "The wind blows where it likes, you can hear the sound of it but you have no idea where it comes from and where it goes. Nor can you tell how a man is born by the wind of the Spirit." John3:8 JBP.

This recognizes the amazing wonder of God's grace whereby Jesus comes to where I am, calls me by my name and changes me. So this life-changing encounter takes place both mysteriously and individually.

Faith is the gift of God, and we may be confident that having given it, He will not take it back. Allow me to offer you the same encouragement Paul gave to the believers in Philippi, "I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ." Phil.1:6

So What Should I DO Now

There are two very important things you should now do.

Get yourself a Bible and start reading it. The gospel of John is a good place to start. The Bible is the Word of God and He gave it to us that we might learn more about following Him. Set aside a time each day for reading your Bible and talking to God in prayer.
Find other Christians and tell them what you've done. If you know other Christians, then you could go to church with them. If not, then find a Bible-teaching church that you can attend. It is important now that you grow in your walk with God. Spiritual food, that is fellowship and teaching, as well as your own Bible study, will help you grow.
"Look unto me and be saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God and there is no other."

Isaiah 45 : 22
Part 1: What is the Gospel?

What is the Gospel? part 2

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Digging Deeper Conference Oct 2010

I will not be posting till next week. But would like to invite you to a conference that I will be attending this weekend. This video will give a good introduction about the conference on Oct 15-17, 2010 in Saskatoon, Sask.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Someone at work wished me "Happy Turkey Day". I said, "What?" It's Thanksgiving Day. I am so thankful for the saving Grace and Mercy of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This video shows that He is the centre of all Things and not the "Turkey". Man wants to place himself front and and centre at the table of life. We take our forks and knifes and dig in to what man can offer. It may taste good for awhile, but all that will be left is a consumed life that will pass away. Bits of temporary wisdom that is not eternal. We have made man the centre of the Bible. Instead of Jesus Christ. Folks we really need a Saviour!
Happy Thankfulness!