Before five years I was not even thinking or caring about the possibility of a "christian" being a false covert. After hearing True and false conversion by Ray Comfort I wasn't in the bit concern in making a serious heart checks and a Biblical assessment if I am a true believer or not. Making that assessment is a good check against pride. There nothing wrong in coming to the crossroads and cry unto God in repentance and trust. What people have to say does not matter.Your eternity is so important. Here is a bit of Tony Miano message of the 10 Marks of False Convert and a video of three testimonies.
"There are some lists that are very helpful, such as the “9 Marks of a Biblical Church,” by Mark Dever,” or “Ten Indictments of the American Church,” by Paul Washer. And, of course, let us not forget God’s Top Ten list: the Ten Commandments.
But this morning the list upon which I will focus our attention is a list of warnings—ten symptoms of a spiritually-deadly disease—the disease of false conversion. That’s right. The most devastating disease infecting the Christian community today is a disease that causes non-Christians to believe they are Christians, unsaved to believe they are saved, and the spiritually dead to believe they are born again. By God’s amazing and sovereign grace, I am happy to report that there is a cure.
If you are here this morning and you truly are a born-again follower of Jesus Christ, then hearing about these ten warning signs should either be an encouragement to you (because they are not evident in your life), or our time in God’s Word this morning should be a wake-up call for you to stop sinning and walk humbly with your God.
If you are here this morning and you suffer from the disease of false conversion, then let me assure you that you may feel uncomfortable, even angry at times, as I expose your symptoms and diagnose your disease. But, I hope that as I do you will see in me as a doctor caring for a patient and not a medieval jailer seeking to torture a prisoner. And, again, let me stress that there is a cure. But until you realize you have the disease, you will see no need to receive the cure.
While this is certainly not an exhaustive list, and while exhibiting some of these symptoms does not necessarily mean a person is not saved, here are ten marks of a false convert.
Ten Marks of a False Convert:
1. You believe that you are inherently a good person, thus denying the doctrine of Original Sin.
2. You commit idolatry of the mind and blaspheme the very character of God by denying essential doctrines such as judgment, hell, regeneration, and justification by faith alone; and you replace the truth with lies such as sinless perfection and open theism.
3. You think that only the red-lettered words in your Bible are the words of Jesus and, therefore, the rest of the Bible can be interpreted and applied to your liking.
4. You believe that a person can be a Christian while wantonly engaging in habitual sin; such as homosexuality, fornication, adultery in mind or body, the support in any way whatsoever of the murder of the unborn, or any other sin.
5. You believe that because a person has prayed a prayer and asked Jesus into their heart, then they are saved.
6. You believe a person can be a Christian, even if they bear no fruit after making a profession of faith in Christ. You treat the grace of God as a license to sin. You like the word “backslider.”
7. You struggle with the thought of missing a meal; but going days, weeks, even months without reading your Bible doesn’t faze you.
8. You pray when you want something from God; but beyond that you have very little time for conversation with Him.
9. You believe that Darwinian, macro-evolution is a scientific fact and compatible with belief in the God of the Bible.
10. You see evangelism as a gift other people have; and you have no real concern about the fact that 150,000 people die every day, with the vast majority of them bound for hell. You soothe your conscience by convincing yourself that “friendship evangelism,” as it is most commonly practiced among American Christians, is actually in the Bible. You think that if you “let your little light shine,” you don’t have to verbally proclaim the gospel."
![Stop! The Bridge is Out!](
This site is to attempt to warn and ask people to just stop and ask the question, Is this True! To ask people to take a second look at what they are being taught and fed in their local churches. Does the information that you receive agree with the plain text of the Bible. Are we adding "stuff" to what God said! I hope these postings of audio, video and the written word will do the same. Please stop for a minute and have....Ears to Hear! Go to my first Posting of Dec 2009
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Is the pulpit a stage or the Holy Mountain of God
My question for this minister is. Would he speak this way if He was before the very throne of God. Help us Oh Lord to approach the pulpit with fear and trembling. Declaring the Holy Word of God. Humbly being moved by the Holy Spirit. Is this what is happening in our churches!
Please listen to the difference! Here is Paul Washer.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
What are you Seeking After?
I have watched this video many times and I have tried to place myself in the place of those that have walked up to see Benny Hinn on the stage. I have no doubt that the experience or moment that they are seeking is for the goal of seeking God. Either seeking healing, being closer to God, or just getting the next great feeling of god.
Can I offer something that is greater then what is happening on this stage. It is life changing. It is coming to the very Holiness of the Almighty God. I know the Holy Spirit is there, teaching and doing His work. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is always there humbling us and reminding us of the work of the Cross. It can be anytime of the day. It can be in private or with my brothers and sisters in Christ. And I don't have to fall down to access the Power of God. Are you ready! O.K! Here it is!
Reading my Bible.
Why can't we just seek God through His Word instead of this type of experience. Is God Judging us by giving us what we seek after? Are these men and women just an instrument of His wrath for turning away from His Precious Holy Word. Paul Washer shares this thought in this video.
Can I offer something that is greater then what is happening on this stage. It is life changing. It is coming to the very Holiness of the Almighty God. I know the Holy Spirit is there, teaching and doing His work. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is always there humbling us and reminding us of the work of the Cross. It can be anytime of the day. It can be in private or with my brothers and sisters in Christ. And I don't have to fall down to access the Power of God. Are you ready! O.K! Here it is!
Reading my Bible.
Why can't we just seek God through His Word instead of this type of experience. Is God Judging us by giving us what we seek after? Are these men and women just an instrument of His wrath for turning away from His Precious Holy Word. Paul Washer shares this thought in this video.
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