Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rob Bell's Presuppostion Wins

It started back in February regarding the news of Rob Bell's new Book, Love Wins. HE continued his questioning style in his promotional video. But his doubts on the punishment of Hell for those that have not repented of their sin and placed their trust by faith in Jesus Christ. And the doubt that 'good people' can't be punished was very clear in the video.

The interviewer hit it on the money when He asked: "How much of this book, you working out your own childhood experiences of being brought up in a fairly cramped evangelical family. And really finding that difficult as you became a adult. How much is this? Actually that? "

Rob Bell: "Oh I would totally own up to that in a heartbeat. We are all on a journey, we are all were handed things. You were handed things. I was handed things. This is the way the world works. This is what matters. This is what doesn't. Here's who these people are. Here's who these people. Here's who is in and who is out. We all have been handed these things. We spend our lives sort of pushing back and questioning and probing. I think that's what makes it so engaging. Part of the joy of life."

Either he didn't understanding the question or he did not want to say, yes, I reject this Biblical concept of Hell that was taught to me as a child. And because of that rejection it has influenced my thinking today.

It is called a presupposition. What he brings to the facts and then interprets the facts with his worldview. And not let the facts just speak for themselves.

He is a link to a very thorough review of Rob Bell's Book:


More to come!

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