A few post ago before dealing with Psychology and the Church. There was a audio/video regarding the Emergent Church. One of the roots that is growing rapidly is the thought that Evolution and Christianity go together. That there is a biological evolutionary stream to Christianity. We are emerging and evolving in our "spirituality". This is not a new idea which I will show through a few videos. There is one faithful servant of God that has been warning the Body of Christ how biology evolution will give way to spiritual evolution and that is Roger Oakland. And that now it is beginning to eat away at the Biblical account of Creation and calls it a story. And that science can explain everything about God and man.
The first video is Phillip Clayton who says he is a theologian but uses science to show our emerging spirituality.
The second video is based on the book: The Evolution Conspiracy by Roger Oakland and Caryl Matrisciana, 1991. Here is a clip showing even in the 90's that evolution will not stop with biological evolution but will continue with man evolving by his spirituality.
Back then it was was called "new age" and it seemed so far away from the evangelical church. But now in 2010 it is a growing movement within the church. Does your Pastor believe that evolution is used by God? Is Creation/Evolution not that important to your church?
I pray that these post will rethink your views. Please go back to the Bible as your foundation for Creation!
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