Mercy! Nothing but Pure Mercy! If it wasn't for God's Wonderful Mercy of Regeneration and Grace I would be talking the same trash as N.T. Wright and Tremper Longman III, about the Genesis Account. I can give tons of evidence based on reason why we should accept the Genesis Account as history and fact. But without the Great Seeker of Man drawing us to Himself. We would not and could not accept this precious account. What a Kind God that would open these truths to us by His Word through the Holy Spirit. N.T. Wright tell us to lighten up! He makes it sound like we are getting to serious about a fictional Novel. This is God's Holy Account of Creation. Instead of lightening up we should be bowing to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Please pray for these men.
The following videos are N.T Wright followed by Dr. Douglas Kelly to answer his statements.
Next is Tremper Longman III followed again by Douglas Kelly to answer his claims.
The following quote from An Introduction to the Old Testament by Edward J. Young, 1949.
page 49:
We are not to regard the chapter as the reworking by the Priestly School of a myth that was common to ancient tradition. Rather, the chapter is sober history. Although Genesis does not purport to be a textbook of science, nevertheless, when it touches upon scientific subjects, it is accurate. Science has never discovered any facts which are in conflict with the statements of Genesis 1.
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